Happy New Year 2021
I hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas and New Year, still in Tier 4 and sometimes hard to think of what to do each day.
I have been going for loads of walks, but this Christmas has been much harder as I lost Becks (dog) a few months ago so the house does not feel like a home.
I have got some Guinea Pigs now so I have been spending time with them. They are now inside as the weather is very cold outside for them. Think they love it as think they get feed more as each time I open the fridge door I hear a little squeak from them. So cheeky.
I am back to work this Monday the 4th January and have a few slots still available so please get in contact if you need any help one to one dog walking, puppy care, pet sitting or daily pop ins. Hopefully in the next few months things maybe will get back to normal and we all can go back into work or go away on holiday.
Thanks for reading and please stay safe and well
