October is here 2020
Good Morning Everyone,
Today is Sunday - (the weekend is here) but it is raining outside, so I thought I would write my October blog.
As you all know a few months ago we got two new family member's (two boy guinea pigs) than I thought I would get two more guinea pigs two girls, they were only a few weeks old very mad at the start. I let them settle in for a week than started handling them everyday only about 10/15minutes at a time.
They are very cheeky little girls one more than the other, and each guinea pigs has its own character, they both are not scared of our dog Becks, Becks is such a good girl with them but I would not leave them on there own together.
I have found out there favourite food is red pepper but they do contain a lot of sugar so I have been limiting the amount, like giving them chocolate, also they love kale, romaine lettuce, hay and dandelion leaves.
A few weeks ago one of the boys become ill off his food, I was very worried took him to the vets but than after a few days he started to eat and I have been giving him smaller pieces of vegetables and he is slowly putting on weight - but I thought we were going to lose him.
As a part of my job at Perfect Petz and Polish, I do offer pet feeding, which includes guinea pig feeding, cat feeding, chicken feeding and any other small animals feeding so just call or email me for more information.
Have a great rest of the weekend and catch up soon.